Logo design in 15 minutes!
The number of free online sites offering Photoshop styled drag and drop design is quite frankly staggering. Which is great news if you need a logo or info-graphic on a tight budget. Long gone are the days when you needed to have deep pockets just to whip up a quick graphic or two. The business model for these sites is truly amazing, the snowball of traffic that the bigger names receive is the envy of every webmaster. Imagine giving away the bulk of your products and services and only charging for the “extras”. The Free traffic is so overwhelmingly massive that it can sustain the running the costs of these huge and resource hungry websites. As well as deliver the expected healthy margin of a digitally delivered online service, with no ad revenue!
Canva generated logo creation
Today I needed a logo for encouraging Iota cryptocurrency holders to buy services with the digital currency. Getting a bitcoin logo was quite easy, by Iota is still quite young, only coming to the market in 2017 and therefore didn’t seem to be much free to use icons available. So I had 15 minutes to spare and thought I would knock something together at canva.com. They have a wide range of templates, so it was very easy to drill down to a suitable template and pull in the images I needed for a payment icon. The drag and drop makes the whole process a doddle and if you really do need to acquire images that are a bit special they will cost you pennies and are offered to the left of the palate. So just to recap.
Step 1. Watch video on loge design principles
Step 2 Head over to canva.com
Step 3 Choose a template that best matches your target graphic
Step 4 Re arrange and structure your design on the canvas
Step 5 Download your creation
Below is my simple creation which will be also offered on a free to use licence and hopefully be spread across many sites across the internet. Sometimes, you may need something very unique put together by a pro who spends hours on every curve and every pixel has a meaning. Obsession does not come close to describing the intensity of there art. If you’re in need of one of those Graphic designers then drop your details on the contact us page and we will put you in touch.